Need of Layout Grid in Visily

Need to have Column wise And Grid wise layout for better design spacing and Pixel Perfect Design.


You need grid layout visily is good ok
Our team will be try
And you can make design

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Hi @sikdarsounak,

Thank you for the suggestion. I have put it in my plan to research and build the feature.
How do you suggest we can build that feature easy and comfortable to use? Do you find any tool that have grid but is quite hard to use so we can learn from the mistake?

Looking forward for more suggestions from you.

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Yes definitely I have some suggestions. So right now we have to decide that how many column grids we want for a screen. It is different based on Mobile, Tab and Desktop Screen Sizes. For example (4 column grid for mobile and 8 column grid for tab). But every time we have decide the Margin (Space to left from Left and Right edges), Gutter Width (Space between all the Columns and Column Width (Proper Width of each Column).

Now, if the team can make it in a way so that we just need to turn the Layout Grid - On, then we can choose from a pre-set that wheather we want it 4 or 8 or 12 grid layout with respective Margin and Gutter width. And also we can choose to have a customised Layout Grid and we can edit the Margin, Gutter Width, and Column Width.

Same for Normal Grid (as Column grid)

We can choose that how many grids we wand in a row.

You can also do some research on Figma and Adobe Xd.

Sounak Sikdar


Hi @sikdarsounak ,

Thanks a lot for the input. As I understand from your point, it would be very convenient to have some common grid presets based on the screen sizes and you also want to create your own presets. Do I miss out any ideas?

I hope to bring this feature to Visily soon. I’ll keep you posted on the update.



Up for this. This feature is needed

Is there any update on this grid feature? This will be helpful when giving the UI specs to the front end dev team.